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Kai Raecke

Kai Raecke, was a native of Vienna, Austria, an avid motorcycle rider at the age of 13, was an adventurer and a world traveler at the age of 17. Starting out in 1988, as a motojournalist and editor for Easyriders Magazine, Kai had the enviable position of covering both national and international motorcycle events. International events such as Super Rally’s in countries such as Belgium, Germany, and Austria. National events such as the annual Las Vegas Bikefest, Daytona Bike week and Steel Pony Express in New Orleans, while enjoying road testing and writing about the latest Harley Davidson and Victory Motorcycles and related biker products for Easyriders, V-Twin, Tattoo and Road Iron Magazines.

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While married to Valarie, he often took the opportunity to visit Colombia with her, and in April of 2019, he assisted his wife in providing necessary supplies to the special needs orphanage located on the outskirts of the city of Periera, Colombia. From that experience and having witnessed firsthand the needs and condition of those children, coupled with their giving nature, Kai and Valerie committed themselves to continue helping the children at the orphanage. Kai felt that these underprivilege children needed someone to believe in them, while providing them an opportunity to rise above their circumstances. With your support and donations, you can help continue Kai’s goal of helping to advance the needs of these underprivileged children.

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