Corazon Harvey
Corazon Rivera Harvey was a native of the province of Zambales in the Luzon region of the Philippines. Growing up in the City of Olongapo, she would often remember her time attending the Tapinac Elementary school. Unfortunately for Corazon and her family, as with many of her fellow classmates and their families at that time, affording necessary books and school supplies was always very challenging. Sometimes it would be as challenging for her parents and those of her classmates, as needing to choose between putting food on their tables or purchasing the required school supplies for their children's education.
More about Cora
It was always Corazon’s wish to try and give something back of herself, of her time and resources to help support providing those necessary schools supplies to those families and their children in need. It is now her husband Paul’s intentions to help fulfill his late wife’s wish, by devoting his time and efforts, along with your support via your donations, to target and sponsor, at least one early grade level of students at the Tapinac Elementary school in Olongapo City, with purchasing and donating backpacks, notebooks, and other required and essential school supplies for those students. Your donations will go a very long way towards helping provide those bright, eager to learn, young minds with the necessary school supplies that many of their parents within that community, have often struggle to be able to provide.